In addition to knocking over Survivors, the Charger will also grab and carry them away from their teammates, where it will then smash them into the ground. -Left 4 Dead 2 Official Site
CHARGER: The Charger is a charging Special Infected that knocks down everything in his way. The Charger's main purpose is to separate a group of Survivors who are tightly joined by grabbing one and sending the other ones flying through the air (in the same way as getting punched by a Tank). While he matches the Survivors' pace, he speeds up considerably when charging them. However, this increase in speed leads to a slow stop and difficulty in turning. -The Left 4 Dead Wiki
CHARGER: The Charger, an infected with an enormously mutated right arm, can charge into the survivors, seize and separate one survivor from the others. -Wikipedia
A Charger in "Left 4 Dead".

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