The Dark Carnival:

Swamp Fever:

Hard Rain:

The Parish:

(Spoiler Alert!)
Francis, along with Zoey and Louis, appears in Left 4 Dead 2 in the campaign The Passing as they meet with the Left 4 Dead 2 Survivors. Nick and Francis seem to banter toward each other a lot due to their brash natures, although Rochelle also seems to find herself strangely attracted to him.
Cocky, loud, and pretty sure he's indestructible, Francis acts like the zombie apocalypse is the world's biggest bar fight. When the virus hit, everybody else stockpiled food and looked for a place to hide. Francis found a gun and had some fun. No cops, no laws, no order—if it wasn't for all the zombies, he could almost get used to life like this. -Left 4 Dead Wiki
Francis in "Left 4 Dead".
Zoey, along with Louis and Francis, appears in Left 4 Dead 2 in the campaign The Passing as they meet with the Left 4 Dead 2 Survivors. Unlike her attitude in Left 4 Dead, she comes off as somewhat more serious and, at times, angry. This is probably due to the fact that she is hit very hard by Bill's death. -Left 4 Dead Wiki
Zoey in "Left 4 Dead".
BILL: William "Bill" Overbeck is one of the four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead, a Vietnam veteran who served in the US Army 1st Special Forces Group. His combat skills have helped to keep him alive. He is also the oldest of the group. In official media, he is usually seen wielding the Assault Rifle, probably to complement his back story. He often has a lit cigarette in his mouth that only extinguishes when he dies.
Bill is killed sometime prior to the events of Left 4 Dead 2's The Passing when he sacrificed himself to raise the bridge for the other three Survivors. Louis's sound files hint that Bill was possibly killed by a Tank.
Louis, along with Zoey and Francis, appears in Left 4 Dead 2 in the campaign The Passing as they meet with the Left 4 Dead 2 Survivors. By the events of The Passing, it seems that Louis has somehow damaged his legs and is unable to stand on his own. Due to this he mans a Heavy Machine Gun during the campaign's finale. -Left 4 Dead Wiki
Louis from "Left 4 Dead".
The Spitter's mutations enable her to spit out a ball of mutated stomach acid which, upon hitting the ground, spreads out into a large pool. Any Survivors standing within the pool of acid take increasing amounts of damage based on how long they stand in it; this can be up to about 3 quarters of their heath with just one puddle. Overall the Spitter's acid does the most damage of any Infected, but is also the least reliable as it only lasts for a short time, and once it pools out it is stationary and relatively easy to escape. When killed, the Spitter leaves a smaller pool of acid around her corpse. She can sometimes be a bit difficult to hear, making somewhat faint squealing noises as opposed to the more distinct noises other Special Infected make, but the hacking noises she makes when she actually spits are easy to hear. -Left 4 Dead Wiki
The Witch is a unique boss infected that is only controllable by the AI, the player may not control it.
The Witch will not move until she has become aware of the Survivors. Until this time, she will lay on the ground, moaning. It is possible for the Survivors to sneak by without alerting the Witch, if they move slowly and quietly.
If the Witch is alerted, she will run quickly towards the Survivors. She has a lot of health and is very quick. -Left 4 Dead 411
WITCH: The Witch is a member of the Infected, and the only one initially passive to the Survivors.[1] She is also the only non-playable Special Infected, deemed to be "too dangerous" by Valve.[2] She resembles the average female Common Infected, except with some notable mutations. The Witch makes loud and eerie noises which resemble sobbing when in her 'passive' state. The noise can be heard long before the Witch is ever seen, allowing the player a chance to prepare a plan to deal with her. In the night-time she crouches and slumps over, mostly immobile. During the daytime (in Left 4 Dead 2 only), she will sob standing up and will slowly wander, with her elongated fingers up to her face. The Witch, like the Boomer and a few other Special Infected, can cause problems when you shoot her. When a Survivor gets too close to a Witch or damages her without killing her outright she becomes 'startled'. When she is startled, she screams and advances on the Survivor that has startled her with great haste. Once she has reached the Survivor, she will slash at him/her, instantly incapacitating (or actually killing, only on the Expert mode or Realism on any difficulty) him/her. If she is still alive and the Survivor is dead, she will run off sobbing out of sight. The exceptions to this result of damaging her being a close up headshot with a shotgun, known as "cr0wning" her, a well-placed Pipe bomb, or (on Easy difficulty) one hit with the Chainsaw. -Left 4 Dead Wiki
A Witch from "Left 4 Dead".
SMOKER: The Smoker is an average sized boss infected covered in growths and boils and has a fifty foot long tongue as its primary weapon. He also releases clouds of smoke.
The Smoker's tongue is fired at the head of a Survivor and wraps around their neck. The Smoker can choke its victim from above by hanging them from its tongue. A choking Survivor is unable to move or attack until another Survivor rescues them. During its tongue attack, the Smoker is helpless, even if it misses. This attack has a cooldown. -Left 4 Dead 411
SMOKER: The Smoker, an infected that can ensnare survivors from a distance with its long tongue and, upon death, releases a cloud of smoke that obscures vision. The smoker is rare on most levels, and prefers higher locations to attack from, like on skyscrapers and ladders. -WikipediaHUNTER: The Hunter is a normal looking infected that wears a dark, hooded sweatshirt and leaps from the shadows upon unsuspecting Survivors to maul them.
The Hunter is able to pounce great distances to land upon the Survivors and proceed to shred their flesh from bone. In order to do this attack, the Hunter must crouch or crawl until the pounce is charged up. The Survivor is held helpless and the Hunter cannot end this attack until the Survivor is killed or the Hunter is knocked off. The Hunter may also use this leap to barrel into a Survivor and knock them backwards, possibly off of a ledge. This attack has no cooldown. -Left 4 Dead 411
HUNTER: The Hunter is an agile Special Infected whose mutation has granted him incredible strength, awareness and dexterity. His role in both Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 is to punish and eliminate Survivors who have wandered or are drawn away from their comrades. -The Left 4 Dead Wiki
HUNTER: The Hunter, an agile infected that can pounce on survivors from great distances. He is silent and fast, usually requiring that a team member help kill him. -Wikipedia
A Hunter from "Left 4 Dead".