Friday, May 7, 2010

Infected: Spitter

SPITTER: The Spitter is a Special Infected that made her debut in Left 4 Dead 2.

The Spitter's mutations enable her to spit out a ball of mutated stomach acid which, upon hitting the ground, spreads out into a large pool. Any Survivors standing within the pool of acid take increasing amounts of damage based on how long they stand in it; this can be up to about 3 quarters of their heath with just one puddle. Overall the Spitter's acid does the most damage of any Infected, but is also the least reliable as it only lasts for a short time, and once it pools out it is stationary and relatively easy to escape. When killed, the Spitter leaves a smaller pool of acid around her corpse. She can sometimes be a bit difficult to hear, making somewhat faint squealing noises as opposed to the more distinct noises other Special Infected make, but the hacking noises she makes when she actually spits are easy to hear. -Left 4 Dead Wiki

SPITTER: Spitters spew a corrosive ball of steaming acid that coats the ground in a puddle. When stepped in, it can be incredibly damaging to Survivors. Spitters can make life difficult for Survivors by preventing them from clustering together in enclosed areas, and by blocking their path at unfortunate moments. -The Left 4 Dead Official Site

SPITTER: The Spitter can project balls of stomach acid that splatter across an area, quickly eroding the survivors' health as long as they remain within it. -Wikipedia

A Spitter in "Left 4 Dead".

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